Saturday, March 10, 2012

So it begins...

"Hannah, get me a compilation of all current known robotics projects in the world. Plans, designs, component choices - anything you can find please. Preferably the humanoid ones - though get me anything you can find in the end."

Dad's back in town. A new name, even less regard for the care of his children than I originally remember. I should be mad, or hurt, or upset or something - but in the end all I feel is just...nothing. A sense to protect what's mine, but then I've felt that way for a few years now anyways. I put him up in the yacht - I would've preferred it if he stayed at the house, but whatever, Hannah can keep an eye on what he does there and she's been warned not to show up in holographic form.

Should've seen his face when I told him I created Artificial Intelligence and named it after mom. Fucker looked like he'd seen a ghost, nearly freaked out. Lucky for me he didn't though, I know one chink in his armor. Also if he tries anything I can always put in a call to Chicago's FBI field office about how he was involved in the mob murders out that way. Family functions better if you have someone by the short-hairs I suppose.

I've made two new hires - there's Dad of course, put him in a make-work position in Public Relations. He could talk the Eskimos here into buying ice if he wanted to, so I figure he can handle anything that might come his way, plus that means I've got eyes on him for most of the day and night. Can't remember who said it, but they were right. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Until I can figure out why Dad's back, he's on the enemies list for now.

He says he knows how mom died. He won't tell me, just that he saw it before he met her. Seems even more selfish then that he didn't do something to help save her. What do I know though? Very little and with anything the less you know the more likely you are to mess up the whole project. I'll continue to observe my father and learn what I can, in time there will be a clearer path with which to make a final decision on the matter.

I also hired Julian Corven as a security consultant. Protection from corporate spies becomes all the more important with each new contract, given my work with prosthetic and robotics - not to mention contracts with medical companies and the Department of Defense, it's time to shore up the protection aspect. He's an Irraka, which is good. I'll need that auspices specialty to help safeguard this place. After all, who's better to find the chinks than the spy himself?

"Hannah - before you compile too much data, please look into the purchase of HUD contact lenses, then get me the contact information for a good surgeon. I should hire one if we're going to continue making breakthroughs towards augmentation, and it's time I start taking some minor risks with it. Lets see if we can't get these contacts permanently grafted." I smile at that, leaning back in my computer chair as I idly look over the screen. A few clicks here and there and I've located the perfect property. Gated, security check at the gate, good amount of space and a few units.

"Lisa, it's Chloe...yes, it has been a long time hasn't it? The house is wonderful. I'm wanting, however, to expand Reid Technologies - I found a warehouse on 801 E. 82nd Street....yes, that's right. Gated warehouse complex. Do you have any current buyers? I want it. Call me back when you've got the numbers...."